Odyssey fiction

A Heart of Faith – Chapter Twenty


Time. Some think it’s something of which they have lots. But we never can know how much we do have, until it becomes jeopardized. That’s a lesson the Meltsner learnt the hard way, when just that happens to Eugene Meltsner.

  All of a sudden, time seems to be slipping away for him, quicker than anyone could have expected. Will the situation be able to be turned around before time is completely gone for good? Only time and faith will reveal what God could possibly have planned for them—of what use the situation could be. And maybe, as the saying goes, “One man’s loss, is another man’s gain.”

  Although the events prove to be a fright for the family, and even their close friends, they are all able to find that they can have Hearts of Faith that God will take care of them and their every need.

A beautiful morning’s sun shone over Odyssey once more that Saturday morning. The sunshine poured through the hospital room’s window, which had its curtain drawn back. This ray of light coming into the room was what wound up waking Eugene from his, somewhat restless, sleep. That, and also a knocking on the door. 

  Blinking the sleepiness away, Eugene made a tired reach for his glasses, which had been set aside. (He’d since been moved from the ICU, and to a regular patient recovery room). Putting them on his face, he looked over and spotted Katrina standing in the doorway. Eugene smiled. “Good morning, Katrina.” He greeted, adding with, “Come in.” Smiling in return, Katrina nodded and did so. Two others followed into the room after her; Buck and Everett. This was even more a pleasant surprise to Eugene. “Hey, dad.” Buck happily greeted. “Hello, Buck, and to you, Everett.” His younger brother smirked. “Hi, Eugene.”

  “You all seem to be here quite early,” Eugene noted with a hum. Buck couldn’t resist a small chuckle. His dad gave him a curious look. “We’re not early.” The teen told him. “You slept in.” Eugene blinked. “… I did?” He looked at his watch. It read “10:33”. Eugene, too, chuckled. “It seems as I did.” Katrina shook her head a little. “Well, so what if you’re a bit tired? You’re recovering, afterall.” Everett nodded in agreement. “Yeah, some extra sleep’s bound to do some good.” Eugene half shrugged. “It would, if only I were sleeping well.”

  “Aren’t you?” Katrina asked. “As well as one can in a hospital. Though, I will be grateful when I am able to rest in the comfort of our home.” Eugene replied, a small sigh tagging on to the end of his sentiment. Katrina gave him a small sympathetic look, and tutted. “I don’t doubt it.” She said. Another knock sounded again. The four looked over to see Dr. Graham joining them. 

  “Good morning, everyone.” She greeted them, with some returning the greeting. The doctor then turned her attention to Eugene. “How are you feeling this morning, Eugene?” She asked him. “Discounting my lingering fatigue,” He started, pausing to yawn. “I am beginning to feel better than I had been before the surgery.” With some satisfaction, Dr. Graham smiled. “I’m glad to hear it.” She answered, jotting a note down in the chart she’d brought with her. Katrina then went to ask Dr. Graham a question, however, Buck beat her to it. “Um, when’s dad gonna be able to come home?” Dr. Graham gave him a look of genuine optimism. “If his recovery continues at this pace, he’ll be home in no time.” Katrina’s expression lit up a bit. “And, when do you think that’ll be?”

  “I’d say, likely, Tuesday.” The blonde nodded. “Now,” Moving her chart to hold it under her arm, Dr. Graham continued on. “If there’s no questions, I’ll leave you all be.” No questions were asked, though Eugene did speak up. “Thank you very much, Dr. Graham.” The doctor gave him a nod. “You’re welcome.” And with that, Dr. Graham left the room.


  Everyone had returned to the car in the parking lot of the hospital. Katrina got behind the wheel, while Everett sat in the passenger seat, with Buck sitting behind him in the back seat. However, before taking out her car keys, Katrina pulled out her cellphone. As she scrolled through her contacts, she told the two, “I just need to make a quick call, then we can get going.” Everett and Buck silently nodded. The dial tone rang, as Katrina brough the phone to her ear. 

  “Hi, Whit!” She greeted after the call went through. “Yes, I have news on Eugene.” A brief pause. “Dr. Graham told us he will likely be discharged on Tuesday. She said his recovery is going very well, so far.” Katrina reported with a smile. “So, yes… Yes, we can make plans for around either eleven thirty, or noon.” Katrina told. She listened to Whit’s reponse. “Alright… Great. Talk to you later… Bye.” 


  Tuesday came around in seemingly no time at all. Family and friends were happy and excited about Eugene finally being discharged from the hospital after what felt like an eternity. Arriving at the hospital fifteen minutes past the hour, Connie was pointed in the right direction by a nurse at the receptionist’s desk. She promptly went down the hallway, and knocked on the room’s opened door. “Hey, Eugene?”

  At first, there was no answer. With a puzzled hum, Connie walked into the room—not noticing the small washroom to the immediate side of the doorway. Nobody was here. Brows furrowing, Connie was unsure where her friend had even gone. That is, until he accidentally snuck up on her from behind. “Greetings, Miss Kendall-!” Nearly jumping a foot in the air, Connie turned around and yelped. “Eugene-!” Eugene’s eyes widened, surprised by her surprise. Connie had a hand clutched to her chest, half convinced her heart had completely stopped. 

  “Apologies, I didn’t mean to sneak up on you.” Eugene apologized, clearing his throat to avoid chuckling. His friend let out a small huff. “It’s- No, it’s okay.” She finally assured him, her posture relaxing. Now over her brief bout of shock, Connie noticed that Eugene was no longer dressed in hospital scrubs. He had donned a simple white t-shirt beneath his favorite turquoise vest, with a pair of blue jeans. He seemed to have also taken a moment to comb his bed hed of redish brown hair. “I see you’re set to go, then.”

  “Indeed, I am.” Eugene confirmed with a smile. “And, I am to assume you are here to pick me up?” Connie nodded. “Yup. Speaking of,” She fished out her car keys from her sweater pocket. “We’ve gotta get going.” She told him. Gesturing towards the door, Eugene said, “Very well then. After you, Miss Kendall.”


  A pleasant ten minutes had passed since Connie had left the hospital’s parking lot. The two had been having some light conversation, when Eugene saw the street sign for “Maple St.” coming into view. Connie, however, wasn’t slowing down to turn. And just as quick as he’d spotted the sign, did Connie drive right past the street. “Er…” Eugene watched the distance between them and the street increase via the rear view mirror. He looked to Connie. “Miss Kendall…?”


  “You’ve missed the street.” Without missing a beat, Connie didn’t so much as side eye him. “I know.” Eugene’s eyes narrowed a bit. He looked out the front windshield, now confused. “Where is it your going?” A small smirk could be seen on Connie’s face, though she bit her tongue. “… You’ll see when we get there.” Came her cryptic reply. Eugene decided not to question her further. So, he sat back and simply allowed her to concentrate on driving to wherever it was they were going.


  At Whit’s End, a modest gathering of friends and family were all working together to finish preperations for Eugene and Connie’s arrival. A sort of ‘celebratory dinner’ had been put together now that Eugene was near fully recovered. And now, they were simply waiting for Connie to arrive with the ‘guest of honor’.

  “I dunno about you guys,” Wooton began, stepping down from the step ladder—having pinned up the final streamer. “But I can’t wait to see the look on Eugene’s face when he gets here!” He commented. From his spot by the front window of the Parlor, Buck laughed. “Me neither!” He agreed. Whit, who was behind the counter with Millie, added, “This really was a wonderful idea.” A few of the others gave their own two cents in agreement with the comments made. 

  Bringing out a few more cleaned, ceramic mugs from the kitchen, Katrina and Penny rejoined everyone. “Are they here yet, Buck?” Katrina asked, as her and Penny set the mugs upside down on the countertop. Buck shook his head ‘no’ before even looking out the window. Everett took a peak for himself out of curiosity—his eyes widening. “Um, yes they are!” 

  Everyone who was in the seating area of the parlor quickly went and made their way behind the counter with everyone else. Wooton, however, turned right around to run and switch the light off. While he was back across the room, he looked outside again. He saw Connie and Eugene climbing the front steps. With a quiet yelp, he rushed back over—weaving around the three round, clothed tables that had been pushed close together. “Wooton…!” Penny whisper-shouted. “I’m coming…!”

  The group’s excited whispers instantly hushed completely when the small bell above the door rang out—indicating the door opening. “Miss Kendall,” Eugene started. “Will you please tell me why we’re at Whit’s End?” Connie went over to the nearby light switch, while still feigning some ignorance. “Well,” The second Connie flipped the switch, a whole group stood from behind the counter. “Surprise!” Eugene gasped, taking a small step back. “Why…!” Everyone was now walking out to greet him. “What is all this?” 

  “A surprise, celebratory dinner.” Whit answered, “We had this planned for when you were discharged from the hospital.” Eugene smiled. “This is such a wonderful surprise!” He exclaimed, before adding, “And, I understand now why Miss Kendall was sent to retrieve me.” Connie narrowed her eyes at him, but was unable to reply to that before Katrina spoke up. “I would’ve gotten you myself, but we didn’t really trust she’d be able to shout ‘surprise’ at the same time as the rest of us.”

  “Hey!” Connie now looked a bit offended. “I would have said ‘surprise’ at the same time!” Everyone looked at her in silent contradiction. “Well… almost,” She then waved them all off. “All the same, thank you all so much for this!” Eugene said, turning his attention back to everyone else. “You’re welcome, brother!” Everett answered, going to give his older brother a hug. 

  Millie clapped her hands together to gain everyone’s attention. “Alright, lunch is ready. Everyone sit!” She told them, gesturing to one seat specifically—the only one adorned with a smaller streamer over the back of it. “Eugene, your seat is here, dear.” Eugene hummed, and went over to sit in the chair. Katrina went to sit next to him. “I’ll help you with the food, Mrs. Shanks.” Connie offered. Wooton also spoke up, saying, “I will, too.” Millie smiled. “Thank you. Everything’s in the kitchen.” The three disappeared into the back, and the others went to find their places at the tables.

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