Odyssey fiction

A Heart of Faith – Chapter Nineteen


Time. Some think it’s something of which they have lots. But we never can know how much we do have, until it becomes jeopardized. That’s a lesson the Meltsner learnt the hard way, when just that happens to Eugene Meltsner.

  All of a sudden, time seems to be slipping away for him, quicker than anyone could have expected. Will the situation be able to be turned around before time is completely gone for good? Only time and faith will reveal what God could possibly have planned for them—of what use the situation could be. And maybe, as the saying goes, “One man’s loss, is another man’s gain.”

  Although the events prove to be a fright for the family, and even their close friends, they are all able to find that they can have Hearts of Faith that God will take care of them and their every need.

John Whittaker had been sitting in the waiting room for a full four hours, and still hadn’t heard any news on Eugene. Just as he’d finished another silent prayer, Dr. Graham entered the room to speak with the receptionist. Whit was the one who spotted her first, before she then spotted him standing up from his seat. Tucking her clipboard under her arm, she went over to talk to him. “Hi there, Whit.”

  “Hello, Dr. Graham.” Whit greeted in return. “I didn’t realize you were here.” Dr. Graham noted, to which Whit simply shook his head a little. “Well, I can’t say as I blame you. You were all in a rush.” She nodded. “Do you have any news on Eugene? What happened?” Whit then went on to ask. “Eugene had gone into cardiac arrest, and we had managed to get his heart beating again. Which gave us time to bring him into surgery.” Dr. Graham explained. “And fortunately for us, the donor heart had been delivered here not long before.”

  “I see… And how is he doing now?” Dr. Graham smiled. “Well, we’re confident that the surgery went very well,” She began. “We’ve moved him to the Intensive Care Unit, and are now waiting for him to wake up. From there, we’ll be able to further see how he’s taken the transplant.” At hearing this news, Whit could feel his tension slowly change to relief upon hearing this news. “That’s good to hear. Thank you, Dr. Graham.” Dr. Graham nodded. “I’m just doing my job, Whit.” She told him, before heading off to continue her duties

  After the doctor left, Whit took it upon himself to go and retrieve anything of Eugene’s from his previous hospital room. While making the walk back down the hallway, he took out his phone to make a phone call to Katrina.


  Shaking the rag inside the kitchen sink after wiping down the counter, Katrina folded it in half and placed it on the neck of the tap. And as she went to try her hands on a kitchen towel, her cellphone rang. She picked it up off the countertop, and saw that Whit was calling her. She pressed ‘answer’ and held the device to her ear. “Hi, Whit.” 

  Millie looked over at her daughter curiously, while she waited for the kettle to boil. “What about Eugene…?” The mother noticed her daughter’s expression slowly change to concern. Then, her eyes widened. “He what?!” Katrina took a few pacing steps as Whit continued to explain things to her. “Okay, yeah, thanks for telling me. I’ll leave now.” She then hung up, and slipped her phone back into her pocket.

  For a second, Katrina looked to be in a small state of shock. “Dear, what’s wrong?” Millie asked her. “Whit called to say that Eugene had the surgery.” Katrina began. “Because he… he almost died…!” Millie’s eyes widened. “Oh my…!” Taking a breath, Katrina then said, “I have to go see him.” Her mother nodded, even shooing her off. “Of course, go on.” Katrina made her way out to the foyer, and began putting on her shoes.

  From the living room, where Everett and Buck were playing a card game, Everett asked, “What’s up, ‘Trina?” Grabbing her car keys, Katrina answered, “I have to head to the hospital.” At that answer, Buck looked both confused and a little worried. “Why? Is Dad ok?” Katrina gave him a bit of an apologetic look. “He will be. I’ll explain it all when I get back, alright?” Giving no further answer, Katrina then left the house. Buck and Everett exchanged looks—Everett giving his nephew a reassuring nod.


  “Alright, ma’am, you and your son can have a seat in the waiting room.” The lady working the reception desk said to the woman and her small son. “A nurse will come see you shortly.” The obviously tired mother gave a nod in thanks. She then took her son by the hand, and went to sit in the waiting area. Just as she turned around, another woman was all-but-rushing to the desk. The two just barely stepped aside in time. The receptionist looked up at her. “Good evening, ma’am. Can I help you?
  “Yes. Am I able to go see Eugene Meltsner?” Katrina asked—still catching her breath from dashing across the parking lot. “I was told he was moved to the ICU.” She added. “Do you have any relation to him?” Katrina nodded. “I’m his wife.” The receptionist hummed, then going on to take the small walkie-talkie nearby on the desk. She pressed down on a button, and spoke into it. “Dr. Graham?”

  “Yes?” The lady continued. “Mrs. Meltsner is here to see her husband.” She informed her. “Tell her she can visit him, but he might still be asleep.” Dr. Graham responded. “I will, thank you.” Setting the device back, she then looked up at Katrina. “Your husband is in room three of the ICU. If you head down the hallway here and turn left,” She pointed in the appropriate direction. “You’ll be able to see the signs leading you to the wing.” The receptionist explained. “Okay. Thank you.” Katrina thanked, before taking off down the hallway in a speed-walk.

It didn’t take Katrina very long to find the room Eugene was now resting in. Quietly stepping into the room, she could see the several things the nurses had hooked him up to. An oxygen tube, an IV drip, and oxymetre clipped on one of his fingers. Katrina pulled up a chair next to the bed and sat down by her husband. She took ahold of his hand, noticing how it felt cold.

“Eugene?” She quietly called. There was no response from her husband. “I don’t know if you can hear me, but I’ll just talk anyways.” Katrina said. “Whit called me earlier and told me that you had been rushed to surgery, after you’d nearly died… That really scared me. I was frantically praying the whole way here that you were alright…” She paused for a moment, and sighed. “I see the doctors are… keeping a close eye on you, to make sure you’re okay. Honestly, I don’t know what I would’ve done if I’d lost you, Eugene…” 

  As she started to get more emotional, Katrina did her best to steady her voice. “That’s a thought that has always been at the back of my mind… ever since your diagnosis.” She confessed. “I’d just… never imagined either one of us going first… especially after everything we’ve gone through together.” Rubbing a thumb over the back of her husband’s hand, she went on. “It’s always been my prayer that you and I are… always able to stay by each other’s side as we raise Buck together, and as we grow old.”

  Katrina then fell silent for a minute—the sound of the medical monitors keeping the quiet at bay. She stood up to sit on the edge of the hospital bed, gently leaning down to carefully give her husband a hug. Resting her head on his shoulder, Katrina whispered, “Please don’t scare me like that again…” She quietly asked. “I love you.”

  Another quiet minute went by, with Katrina not moving from her spot. She finally did when she felt a cold hand on her shoulder. Sitting up straight, she saw her husband looking at her, smiling. Katrina smiled in return, giving her husband a kiss on the cheek. 

  A nurse then came to the room. “Pardon me.” Katrina looked over at her. “May I speak with you for a moment, ma’am?” With a nod, Katrina stood up to join the nurse out in the hall. As they stepped out, one of Dr. Graham’s attendings went into the room. The nurse went on to explain what had been earlier explained to Mr. Whittaker. “So, he’s going to be okay?” With a smile and a nod, the nurse answered, “Yes. He’ll be just fine, Mrs. Meltsner.” She assured her. “And for now, he does need to rest. You can come by again tomorrow to visit.”

  “I will. Thank you.” Katrina thanked, turning to leave down the hallway. After leaving the hospital, and returning to her car, Katrina took a moment in prayer to thank God.

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