Odyssey fiction

A Heart of Faith – Chapter Nine


Time. Some think it’s something of which they have lots. But we never can know how much we do have, until it becomes jeopardized. That’s a lesson the Meltsner learnt the hard way, when just that happens to Eugene Meltsner.

  All of a sudden, time seems to be slipping away for him, quicker than anyone could have expected. Will the situation be able to be turned around before time is completely gone for good? Only time and faith will reveal what God could possibly have planned for them—of what use the situation could be. And maybe, as the saying goes, “One man’s loss, is another man’s gain.”

  Although the events prove to be a fright for the family, and even their close friends, they are all able to find that they can have Hearts of Faith that God will take care of them and their every need.

That Monday afternoon may have seemed like any other normal start to the week. But, for Eugene, that Monday afternoon was when he was to be discharged from the hospital. He was being given the green light from Dr. Graham to go home. After spending the whole weekend in the same hospital room, Eugene was going to like nothing more than being home. 

  Dr. Graham was leading Eugene down the hallways of the hospital, and out to the waiting room—where Katrina was found, patiently awaiting them. She had her husband’s raincoat slung over her arm, having brought it from home for him. “Now, Eugene,” Dr. Graham began, as they came up to Katrina. “I want you to take it fairly easy over the next couple of months. The medication I’m prescribing you will help with the symptoms, but it’ll do no good if you’re exerting yourself.”

  “I understand how that would be counterintuitive.” Eugene agreed, though Dr. Graham was still giving him a bit of a pointed look. She was known to be the type of doctor who’d usually get after her patients about following her orders, but that was never out being deliberately irritating. She simply cared about each of her patients, and would always do her job to the best of the abilities given her by God. 

  Seeing the genuine look in Eugene’s expression, she smiled. “Of course. It was just a reminder.” She said to him.

  “So then,” Katrina began. “You’re set to go, Eugene?” Eugene gave her a nod, as she handed him his raincoat. “Indeed, I am.” He slipped it on. “Right. I’ll see you again at your appointment.” Dr. Graham told. “Have a good week.” She wished, before turning around to head for her next engagement. “You as well.” The couple, too, turned around to leave—heading for the hospital doors.

  On the drive home, both Eugene and Katrina found it to be quite tranquil. The overcast that morning had indicated the rain that the town of Odyssey was now experiencing. It was a blessing for local farmers, and a pleasant thing for Eugene. 

  When the couple had been crossing the parking lot to head to the car, Katrina had noticed how she’d walked a ways ahead of her husband. She turned around to see he’d stopped walking altogether. He was standing with his face to the cloudy sky, simply letting the rain fall upon him—glasses and all. Clearly, he was happy to no longer be cooped up in the hospital for the time being. Katrina smiled, as for a moment, it felt as though everything was right. As though there was no illness plaguing the Meltsner family. It was a nice feeling.

  However, the feeling was short-lived. After getting into the car, Katrina was about to turn the engine on after buckling up, when Eugene suddenly fell into a coughing fit. It sounded terrible, and she didn’t doubt that it must’ve been painful. Calming down, Eugene tried to reassure her. She simply accepted the reassuring words, but still sighed as the nice moment was now gone.


  Hardly an hour had passed since Buck had returned home from school. His hair had been a wet mess, as he’d gotten caught in the rain on his walk from the bus stop. When he arrived home, the teen gave his attention to Sparky as usual, before then heading up to his room to bury his nose in the homework he’d been assigned that day.

  Eugene had tried to ask him how his day, and weekend had been just before Buck went upstairs. He was only able to get a short, simple response of, “I’m glad your home, Dad.” Then, Buck went up the stairs—Sparky following. Katrina had told Eugene that their son had been acting that way for the better part of the weekend.

  As Katrina was in the kitchen working on the meal for supper, Eugene was finishing a phone call with the College. “Yes, thank you, sir… Of course, farewell.” He hung up, then pocketed his cell phone. He joined Katrina in the kitchen, looking to get a glass of water. “Who was that?” She asked, making conversation. “The college was simply calling to ensure that my medical leave was approved.”

  “Oh, good.” Katrina commented. “I will be returning only when I’ve been given a clean bill of health.” Eugene added, taking a glass from the cupboard. “I wonder if Whit will pay you the same courtesy?” His wife then wondered. “I would hope not.” Pausing from what she was doing, Katrina glanced over her shoulder at him. “What do you mean?”

  “The idea of remaining at home with no work to do is hardly that appealing to me.” Eugene began, as he went to get the pitcher of water from the fridge. “You’ve reminded me to call Mr. Whittaker about this.” Katrina was still puzzled, as she continued with what she had been doing. “But, what about Dr. Graham’s orders?”

  “I believe I am able to honor her orders while still working at Whit’s End. Afterall, working with computers is hardly a physically taxing task, Katrina.” He justified, while filling his glass with water. Katrina gave a hesitant nod, before then bringing her hand up to wipe her eyes. Eugene set the pitcher and glass down. “Right. I guess it isn’t.”

  “… Katrina? Are you crying?” Eugene asked her, a small look of concern on his face. Katrina smirked. “My eyes are just watering.” She answered, before stepping aside to let her husband see the chopped onions atop the cutting board. “Oh!” Eugene exclaimed, feeling a little relieved. Katrina laughed, finishing up with the onion.

  “Well then,” Eugene began, after having drank the water in his glass. “I believe I shall make that phone call to Mr. Whittaker, now. Excuse me.”


  Later on in the afternoon, Katrina had finished with the simple table setting in time for dinner to come out of the oven. The rest of her family came to join her. Then, the three all sat down.

  Before anyone began to eat, Eugene prayed over the meal. “Dear Father in Heaven,” He began, as all closed their eyes and bowed their heads. “We thank you for your numerous blessings and provisions, and pray that you would bless this wonderful meal we have before us. I pray that you would continue to bless our family, and that you’d keep us, as the Psalm says, “under the shadow of thy wings”. We ask these things, in thy name, Amen.” With that, they all started eating.

  For the first few minutes of the meal, things were rather quiet. Eugene was the one to break the silence. “So, Buck, how was your weekend?” He asked, looking over to his son. Buck swallowed his food before answering. “Fine.” He answered shortly. “Did anything of significance happen to occur, at all?” Eugene asked, trying to make up for the lost interaction from earlier in the afternoon. “Nope.” Another short reply. Eugene hummed. “Then, how was school today?”

  “Same as any other.” Still a short answer, even if Buck had used more words this time. Silence fell again for a moment afterwards, as Eugene wasn’t able to think of any more prompting questions to ask Buck.

  “Thank you for dinner, Katrina.” Eugene began, changing the subject. “It tastes quite delicious.” Curiously, Katrina looked over at his plate. She blinked. “… Eugene, you’ve hardly eaten anything.” She noted, giving her husband a puzzled look. Eugene sighed, poking lightly at his food. “I… apologize, Katrina. I promise you it does in fact taste good, but I find my appetite has been lacking as of late.”

  “No, it’s fine.” Katrina said. “If you want, I can keep your plate in the microwave until you are hungry?” Though he still had a small apologetic look, Eugene nodded. “Thank you.” Setting her utensils on her plate, Katrina slid her chair back as Eugene handed his plate of food to her. 

  Before she could get up, Buck finally spoke up again. “May I be excused?” He asked, somewhat quickly. “You may.” Eugene answered, and with that, the teen got up and left the table—the family dog trotting after him. Katrina sighed a little, as she too left to go to the kitchen with her husband’s plate. Eugene remained seated on his own for a moment longer.

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