Odyssey fiction

A Heart of Faith – Chapter Eighteen


Time. Some think it’s something of which they have lots. But we never can know how much we do have, until it becomes jeopardized. That’s a lesson the Meltsner learnt the hard way, when just that happens to Eugene Meltsner.

  All of a sudden, time seems to be slipping away for him, quicker than anyone could have expected. Will the situation be able to be turned around before time is completely gone for good? Only time and faith will reveal what God could possibly have planned for them—of what use the situation could be. And maybe, as the saying goes, “One man’s loss, is another man’s gain.”

  Although the events prove to be a fright for the family, and even their close friends, they are all able to find that they can have Hearts of Faith that God will take care of them and their every need.

 Another sunny Thursday morning in Odyssey found near all the Meltners sitting at the kitchen table enjoying breakfast together, along with Sparky sitting politely closeby hoping for table scraps. The aromas wafting from the food on the table all mixed together pleasantly, as everyone ate the warm slices of french toast with homemade syrup, rejuvenating coffee from the morning’ brew, and delicious cheddar sausages. A light conversation was being had whilst the four ate, when someone’s ringtone interrupted. 

  “Oh-!” Katrina exclaimed, swallowing her food. Standing up, she took her cell phone from her back pocket. “Excuse me.” She said, stepping out of the kitchen, and into the living room—with Sparky curiously trailing her. Though the rest of the family was curious about Katrina’s early morning phone call, they all continued to eat silently so as to not make any distracting sounds. “Hi, Dr. Graham.” They heard Katrina greet. Everything that came after was a bit more quiet, and hard to hear clearly. The group quietly kept eating. 

  Not a moment later, did Katrina make a return to the kitchen just as she finished the phone call, hanging up. Millie looked over to her daughter. “What is it, dear?” She wondered. “Dr. Graham.” Katrina answered. “What was she calling about?” Everett asked next. Picking up her half empty mug of coffee from off the table, Katrina explained, “She said she wanted to talk with Eugene and I.”

  “Oh, I hope it’s good news.” Millie hummed, giving her daughter an optimistic smile. Katrina smiled, too. “So do I.” She agreed, before taking a drink of her coffee. Then, she set it on the counter. “I’ll leave you all to breakfast. See you later.” She said, leaving to get her shoes on, and to grab her keys. “Bye, Mom.” Buck called back, before the remaining three heard the door open and close. 


  “Hi, babe.” Katrina greeted, walking into the hospital room. Eugene smiled. “Good morning, my love.” He greeted in return. The couple shared a brief kiss, before Katrina then pulled up a chair for herself. “How are you this morning?” Eugene hummed, thought for a moment of a reply, before then simply shrugging and shaking his head a little. His wife sighed. “Right…” She quietly said. No other words could be shared before Dr. Graham joined the two—a clipboard in hand. “Good morning, Katrina.”

  “Good morning, Dr. Graham.” Katrina answered with a courteous smile. “What was it you wished to speak about with us, Dr. Graham?” Eugene wondered. Still smiling herself, Dr. Graham took a brief glance to her clipboard, before tucking it under her arm. “I have some wonderful news,” She began. The start of her explanation just about gave away what she was going to say next. “A donor match has been found.”

  “There has?” Dr. Graham gave Eugene a nod in confirmation. He looked almost in disbelief, while Katrina on the other hand looked overjoyed. “And thankfully, the earliest we can do the transplant is early tomorrow morning.” Dr. Graham added. Katrina looked over at Eugene, tears welling in her eyes as she took his hand and gave it an excited squeeze. “I-I … Why, that certainly is wonderful news!” Eugene said, taking hold of Katrina’s hand in return. 

  “Do either of you have any questions at all?” Dr. Graham then asked. Both shook their heads ‘no’. “Alright. I’ll come by later to check on you, Eugene.” She said. “Of course. Thank you, Dr. Graham.” The doctor nodded. Then, she left the room. Not a moment after she did, Katrina nearly threw her arms around her husband, still overjoyed. Eugene happily reciprocated the gesture, wrapping his arms around his wife and holding onto her. “Thank God…!


  Katrina had barely gotten through the front door when she called out to everyone. “Guys! Come here!” Sparky was the first to come running over to happily greet her at the door,  while the rest of the family all went into the living room to join her. “What is it, Katrina?” Millie asked, her, Everett and Buck all looking at Katrina curiously. “I’m going to say, based on the smile on your face, you’ve got good news?” Everett guessed. His sister-in-law nodded. “Very!”

  “Well?” Buck asked with a brow raised. “They’ve found a donor match!” Katrina said. Everyone’s eyes widened. “Oh my…! Katrina, that is amazing news!” Millie exclaimed, going over to give her daughter a hug. “Woah! Really?” Katrina gave Buck a nod, before pulling him into the hug also. Seeing as the three were already in a group hug, Everett joined in also. The hug lasted a moment more—with Sparky excitedly circling around everyone—before everyone took a step back. “Oh-! When will they do the transplant?”

  “Tomorrow morning,” Katrina told in answer to Everett’s question. “That is great!” He commented. Katrina nodded in agreement, her smile growing a little more. “So, Dad is going to get better, then!” Putting a hand on her son’s shoulder, Katrina gave him a genuine and reassuring look. “Yes, Buck. He is.” She told him, sounding utterly sure of that statement. Buck gave his mom another hug in response.

  Katrina then pulled her phone out of her pocket, taking a steadying breath. “Now, if you’ll all excuse me a minute,” She began, turning her phone on and pulling up her ‘contacts’ list. “I have a couple phone calls to make.” She then stepped out of the living room, heading into the study where it was a little more quiet.


  Late in the afternoon, Eugene was lying quietly in his bed, simply getting some shut-eye for a bit. A knock sounded from the half-opened door. Blinking a bit groggily, Eugene sat up. He took his glasses from off the small table next to the bed, and put them on just as his visitor entered the room. “Greetings, Mr. Whittaker…” He greeted, all while stifling a nod. “Hello, Eugene.” Whit greeted in return, then asking, “I didn’t wake you, did I?”

  “No, I was merely resting my eyes a bit.” Eugene assured him. “What brings you here?” Pulling up a chair, Whit answered, “I got a phone call from Katrina about the good news you got earlier.” He smiled. “You’re finally having the transplant in the morning?” Eugene nodded happily. “You heard correct, Mr. Whittaker… Our prayers have been answered!” He confirmed. Whit chuckled. “And for that, we have God only to praise.”

  “Amen…!” Eugene agreed, with a quiet chuckle of his own—which briefly turned into a couple coughs. “Well,” Whit continued, after Eugene had stopped coughing. “I bet you’re probably looking forward to finally leaving the hospital.” He nodded. “You’re… not the least bit incorrect, Mr. Whittaker. I have… grown tired of being here.” Whit hummed in sympathy. “I definitely understand what that’s like.” He told.

  Just as Whit was about to make a further comment, Eugene began coughing again. This time, it was a full on coughing fit. “Oh, easy now, Eugene…!” Whit looked about the room, searching for a pitcher or glass of water. Eugene’s coughs were sounding worse the longer he coughed for. Spotting a pitched on a slim table against the wall, Whit got up from his seat. “I’ll get you some water,” He said, going over to pour water into the empty glass. “Th-ank y… ou, W… Whit…” Was all Whit heard as he briefly turned his back to Eugene.

  Before he was even able to fill the glass half way, Whit suddenly heard something. The one sound nobody ever wants to hear while in the hospital room of a sick friend. A monitor began screeching, as it’s previously rhythmic beeping turned into a single, loud, unbroken tone. Instantly stopping what he was doing, Whit all-but-spun around to see Eugene laying back in his bed again, unmoving. Whit felt almost frozen in place. His face paled, and his eyes widened. “… Eugene?!”  In a matter of mere moments, nurses were rushing into the room. While one nurse instantly began with chest compressions, another told Whit to wait outside of the room. With a shaky nod, Whit did as he was asked and went out into the hall just in time to see two other nurses following after Dr. Graham herself, while pushing along a crash cart into the room. Slowly, Mr. Whittaker sat in one of the chairs against the wall, hanging his head down—fearing the worst. He then began to do the one thing he could think to. He began to pray. And as Whit prayed, the medical team eventually wheeled a stretcher out of the room with Eugene on it, hurrying down the hall. Whit hardly noticed them, and continued his pleading prayer…

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