Odyssey fiction

A Heart of Faith – Chapter Eleven


Time. Some think it’s something of which they have lots. But we never can know how much we do have, until it becomes jeopardized. That’s a lesson the Meltsner learnt the hard way, when just that happens to Eugene Meltsner.

  All of a sudden, time seems to be slipping away for him, quicker than anyone could have expected. Will the situation be able to be turned around before time is completely gone for good? Only time and faith will reveal what God could possibly have planned for them—of what use the situation could be. And maybe, as the saying goes, “One man’s loss, is another man’s gain.”

  Although the events prove to be a fright for the family, and even their close friends, they are all able to find that they can have Hearts of Faith that God will take care of them and their every need.

Three weeks had already come and gone since Eugene’s diagnosis. As the days continued to pass, it slowly started to become obvious to others who saw him, how Eugene was beginning to appear more weak and sickly. However, despite it all, he himself was still in high spirits. Afterall, he had faith that God would take care of him—no matter what His will would be. Though, during those three weeks, not everyone was in the same spirits as Eugene. 

  Sparky excitedly trod over to the front door, one afternoon, and sat down. He’d heard the doorknob being turned. In entered Buck, arriving home from school as always. The dog barked happily, though was only given brief acknowledgement from his boy as he slipped off his shoes. But, Sparky stayed at Buck’s side as he also hung his spring coat up.

   Remaining silent, Buck set his sights on the staircase with the intention to head upstairs and bury his nose in homework. Despite the silent and sour demeanor, he was still called upon. “Buck Meltsner,” Eugene began, meeting his son at the threshold of the front hallway. The teen pressed his mouth into a line. His adoptive father continued. “I wish to speak with you.”

  “What?” Buck replied as he looked at his dad, his tone holding a bit of an unintended bite to it. “Buck, for the past couple weeks now, you have been acting irritable and unpleasant, and I find you never speak to me or your mother as you once did.” Eugene said to him. “I merely wish to know why you have been behaving this way!” Buck was silent again for a minute, as he simply stared at his dad with an incredulous look. Said look slowly changed to frustration. “Fine! You wanna know what’s been botherin’ me?!”

  “Yes, I do, Buck.” 

  “Okay!” Sparky backed up a couple steps upon hearing Buck suddenly raising his voice. “What’s botheirn’ me, is how you ‘n mom have been actin’!” Buck answered, expecting his dad to be able to fill in the blanks. Eugene blinked. “I apologize, but I don’t understand your meaning.” He confessed, though remaining composed. “My meanin’? My meanin’, is that you’re dyin’, and you ‘n mom are actin’ like that’s perfectly okay! Like it ain’t a big deal! And while the two of you are “thankin’ God” for every other little thing,” Buck made a brief gesture for air quotes. “Y’all aren’t even the slightest bit mad that it’s probably Him lettin’ this happen to you! I don’t get it!”

  “Buck, I…” Eugene wasn’t entirely sure what to say. How could he have been so blind to what Buck was most likely feeling about everything that was happening? He mentally kicked himself, as now wasn’t the time to show his own shame. His son, standing before him looking hurt with a tear or two rolling down his cheek, needed to be reassured. 

  Eugene sighed. “… It’s understandable that you are feeling the way that you are.” He told. “Do you wish for me to explain why it is we are so calm about this situation?” Bringing a hand up to wipe his face, Buck nodded. Eugene began towards the living room, and gestured for the teen to follow. “Come. Sit with me for a moment.” Buck did so, after finally setting down his backpack. Sparky followed after the two curiously.

  As the two sat on the couch, Eugene turned to look at Buck. “Buck, I would be lying if I were to tell you that I weren’t, to some degree, distressed over my diagnosis. We are fearful, somewhat.” He empathized, as his son listened. “However, we’re able to ask God to give us peace in place of the worry and the fear.” Buck still looked as though he weren’t quite understanding what his dad was saying. “You see, as Christains, we have faith that God takes care of us. That he never leaves us to suffer alone. Because of this faith, we haven’t need to worry or be fearful—though it may still prove difficult at times.” Eugene explained. Buck remained quite. “Though, you are unable to truly understand this, Buck, seeing as you have yet to accept the Lord as your Savior, and ask him to give you this peace.” Eugene added, before then asking, “Would you wish for me to explain further?”

 For a long minute, Buck remained quiet. His gaze had been fixated in his lap the whole time. “… Buck?” Quietly sighing to himself, the teen quietly answered, “I… I’ll have to… think about it.” Standing up from the couch, Buck gestured to Sparky to follow him as he quietly retreated to his bedroom. Eugene watched him leave, sporting a bit of a sad look, himself. He opted to let Buck be for now, giving his son time to think over what had just been briefly discussed.

  Before silence could settle in the room, the front door was opened. “Hey!” Katrina called out, entering the house and closing the door gently with her foot. Eugene got up from the couch to go over and greet her at the door. “Greetings, Katrina.” Katrina smiled, hanging her car keys on the hook. “Sorry, it took me a while to get home. I made a stop on my way.”

  “No worries.” Eugene assured her, reaching to relieve her of the single shopping bag containing a carton of milk and some bread. Katrina quietly thanked him, now being able to remove her coat. Eugene went into the kitchen, his wife following after him. “How was your day?”

  “It was good,” Katrina answered, setting her purse down on the kitchen table. She fished something out of it. “I stopped at the pharmacy to pick up your prescription.” Closing the fridge after storing the milk inside, Eugene looked over as she placed the small cardboard box on the table. “Oh, of course! Thank you.” Katrina smiled, giving him a nod.

  Her smiled faltered, as she went on to ask a question of her own. “How about you? How have you been feeling?” Eugene gave a subtle shrug. “Fatigued, mostly…” Whatever more he wanted to add to his answer was interrupted, as another coughing fit came over him. He leaned forward, held an arm to his mouth while simultaneously clutching his chest. Katrina immediately at her husband’s side, holding him as he continued to cough. 

  After almost a minute, the coughing suddenly subsided. Eugene took a few short gasps, catching his breath. Katrina led him to the table, pulling up a chair for him. “Thank… you.” He thanked quietly, sitting in the offered chair. Katrina kept and arm around him for a minute more. She then gave him a kiss on the cheek. “I’ll make you some tea to soothe your throat, alright?” Eugene hummed in thanks, giving her a tired smile.

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