Odyssey fiction

A Heart of Faith – Chapter Eight


Time. Some think it’s something of which they have lots. But we never can know how much we do have, until it becomes jeopardized. That’s a lesson the Meltsner learnt the hard way, when just that happens to Eugene Meltsner.

  All of a sudden, time seems to be slipping away for him, quicker than anyone could have expected. Will the situation be able to be turned around before time is completely gone for good? Only time and faith will reveal what God could possibly have planned for them—of what use the situation could be. And maybe, as the saying goes, “One man’s loss, is another man’s gain.”

  Although the events prove to be a fright for the family, and even their close friends, they are all able to find that they can have Hearts of Faith that God will take care of them and their every need.

A full day had passed since Eugene’s diagnosis, and he was still in the hospital. It was now Sunday morning. Both Katrina and Buck were just about ready to head out the door for the morning’s church service. Katrina had planned for them to leave early, so they could make a stop at the hospital to visit Eugene first. 

  Slipping her shoes on, Katrina went to open the front door—Sparky watching as she did in case she decided he was coming with them. She paused, suddenly remembering something. Katrina turned to look at her son. “Buck,” She began. “Would you go to Eugene’s office to get his Bible, please?” Buck gave a nod, before he went back into the house to get to the home office—Sparky following.

  Heading past the bottom of the staircase, Buck turned into the open-doored-office. He approached the desk, finding both Eugene’s Bible, and a metal ring notebook still open from the last time they’d been read and written in. Curiosity came over Buck, and he slid the notebook a bit closer to read it. To him, it seemed to be journal entries.

  “May 27th, Wednesday

Romans 8:17 “And if children, then heirs; heirs of God, and joint-heirs with Christ; if so be that we suffer with him, that we may also be glorified together.” Reading further, I came upon verse 39 in the chapter, which says, “Nor height, nor depth, nor any other creature, shall be able to separate us from the love of God, which is in Christ Jesus our Lord.” Both of these verses left me thinking about how wonderful it is that we, being in Christ Jesus, are joint-heirs with him, and how we are inseparable from the love of our Creator.”

  A thought came to me. Pertaining to those who would be unable to understand these verses. Those who don’t have these same assurances. While there are indeed still billions who have yet to claim these truths for themselves, there is one soul both Katrina and I continuously pray for. Our son, Buck.

  Buck paused for a moment. Maybe he shouldn’t be reading this. It wouldn’t be the right thing to do, since it seemed to be private. However… Eugene did mention him. There’d be no harm in reading what his dad wrote about him, afterall. He continued to read.

  “Day after day, we show to Buck the same love our Heavenly Father has shown us. It is our prayer that he, too, will accept the free gift that is salvation. I do understand that there are instances with people whom have hardened their hearts towards God, but I have difficulty to truly understand why Buck remains hesitant-”

  “Buck? Did you get it?” Katrina called, causing the dog to hurry back out of the office to find her again. “Oh, uh, yeah!” Buck called back, closing the Bible and notebook together. “Comin’!” He slid a pen into the rings of the notebook, before quickly leaving the study to join Katrina at the door, finally allowing the two of them to leave.


  Arriving at the hospital, Katrina and Buck made their way to the receptionist’s desk. They were pleasantly surprised to find that there weren’t many other people, resulting in a short exchange with the lady at the desk. The lady was taking advantage of the quiet to get ahead on whatever work she was typing away at when the two approached. “Oh,” Looking up, the receptionist gave Katrina her attention. “Good morning, may I help you?”

  “Yes, I’m here to see my husband.” Katrina explained. “His name is Eugene Meltsner.” Looking back at her computer, the lady did a search of patient names to find the corresponding room. Finding what she was looking for, she looked back up to Katrina again. “Go down the hall on your right,” She began, pointing out the hallway in question. “Turn left at the sign that says Patient Rooms. Then from there, it’s going to be the third door on your right.”

  “Thank you.” Katrina thanked. The lady gave a simple nod, before continuing her work. After slipping a tract across the desk, Katrina and Buck left down the hallway to find the room Eugene was in.

  As the two walked, Katrina took notice of how Buck’s gait was a step or two slower than hers. He kept lagging behind. She paused, and turned to look at him. “Buck?” She started, garnering his attention. “Are you coming?” Buck blinked. “Oh..! Yup…” He walked up to her side, and Katrina took a hold of his hand–giving it a light squeeze. “Keep up, then!” She said, giving a small smile.

  Not much walking was left for the two when they finally arrived at the room in question. Though the door was already open, Katrina lightly knocked on the doorframe anyways. Eugene, who’d just been finishing up his small portioned breakfast, looked over when he heard the knock. He smiled. “Katrina! Buck!” He set aside his plate as the two entered the room. “I wasn’t aware you would visit me so early in the day, though I’m nonetheless pleased you’re both here!”

  “I’m glad.” Katrina answered with a laugh. She gave her husband a brief kiss after having sat down on the edge of the bed, before explaining, “I thought we’d leave a little early to see you before church.” Eugene hummed. 

  “Oh, and we brought you this from home.” Buck added, holding out Eugene’s Bible and notebook. He took them. “Ah, thank you very much, Buck!” Eugene answered, setting both books aside for the moment. “I was very much hoping not to get too behind in my reading.”

  “Yep, you’re welcome.” Buck said, finding a chair to sit in.

  A few minutes had gone by since Katrina and Buck’s arrival, and for most of the visit, the couple were engaged in light conversation. Buck had barely said a word the entire time, and was hardly listening–his mind elsewhere. “May I be excused…?” He finally spoke up. “I uh, gotta use the restroom.” Eugene and Katrina glanced at him, Eugene answering with, “Certainly. Are you able to find it?”

  “Yeah,” Buck answered, standing up. “I saw a sign on our way here.” He assured his dad. “Oh, don’t take too long, we’re leaving in a minute.” Katrina said to Buck just before he left the room. “Okay.” With that, the couple were left alone in the room.

  Buck had seen the sign for the restrooms further up the hallway, after the turn towards the patient rooms. It was relatively easy to find, and once he arrived, he was glad to see the men’s room virtually empty. The teen walked up to the large mirror above the sinks, and simply stared at his reflection. 

  At present, Buck was feeling puzzled. Ever since Connie had sat down and explained to him what had happened, and what Eugene’s diagnosis meant, he was understandably shocked at hearing this. Even Connie looked like she was having a hard time believing the very words she’d been telling him. Then at the supper table that evening, Katrina was visibly upset. Though she tried to hide it, it was obvious she had been crying most of that afternoon.

  The following day, his mother was acting normal again. As though nothing had happened, as though she hadn’t just learned that her husband was dying. Buck had met up with Jules Kendall at McAlister park later in the day, and even she said that Connie was acting pretty much like her usual self again, too. 

  For Buck, the looming threat of losing Eugene—one of the few people that made him truly feel loved and that he belonged—was leaving him feeling awful, almost depressed. So, when he saw the way everyone else seemed to be handling this terrible situation… he simply couldn’t understand.

  And Eugene seemed to be acting like his diagnosis wasn’t any big deal. If Buck were in his dad’s place, he would be petrified! But Eugene seemed, somehow, content and even almost at peace? How? That was the only question that kept coming to Buck’s mind, of which he couldn’t form an answer.


  “Do you have the time?” Katrina asked, just as the conversation had hit a lull. Checking his watch, Eugene answered with, “It is nine forty-seven.” She hummed, looking over towards the door of the hospital room. “We should be leaving if we don’t want to be late.” She noted. Eugene followed her gaze, seeing her curious look. “I wonder where Buck got off to?”

  “Indeed. It isn’t like him to dawdle.” Standing up, Katrina then said, “I guess I’ll have to go find him.” Eugene watched as she fixed her dusted rose floral skirt. “You look lovely this morning.” He complimented with a smile. Katrina returned the smile, and went on to teasingly return the compliment. “Thank you. You don’t look half bad in those scrubs, either.” Both laughed a little, before they shared a goodbye kiss. “I’ll see you later.”

  “As shall I.” Katrina’s smile grew a little more as she left the hospital room. Making her way through the hallway, she caught up with Buck. The two left the hospital, not lingering any further and risk being late for the morning service.

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